
Worshiping with the Psalms - PPT Slide Deck (download)





Product Description

Worshiping with the Psalms - PPT Slide Deck

Site Licensed Download Agreement for Worshiping with the Psalms - PPT Slide Deck

Purchase of this download represents payment for services and permission to project files from one purchasing site. It does not provide permission to make additional copies. You must seek permission from the Publisher for any additional usage. Additional permissions may be required when use involves recording, performing, broadcasting, or streaming the content.

This file may be installed on the computers of the song leaders of the congregation that has purchased the download. Song leaders, you must uninstall and cease use of the file if you leave the congregation that purchased the download.


About the Psalter hymnal:

What better way to study the Psalms than by singing them?

The new psalter, Worshiping with the Psalms, uses a time-honored way to absorb the content of the Psalms by putting them to rhyme and meter. Singing the Psalms is then possible for everyone, just like the original purpose of a psalm!

Each psalm is paraphrased and paired with a well-known tune. The psalter and its accompanying products make studying the Psalms easy and engaging for personal devotion, homeschool classes, Bible classes, or in the church assembly.

PowerPoint Slide Deck and Companion Text booklet is also available to aid the uses of the psalter.

Product Reviews - +

  • 5
    Worshiping With The Psalms PowerPoint Slide Deck

    Posted by Tim Hall on Dec. 19, 2024

    We have been very pleased to be able to sing the inspired Psalms of the Bible in our Bible classes and worship. The psalms have been reset in words that are faithful to the Psalms, and using tunes with which we are already familiar is a big help. I also find it very helpful that each psalm's melody is noted, making it simple to search for alternative melodies that may be even more familiar to our congregation. We are thankful to have this tool available for our use. It has already enriched our worship.

  • 5
    Excellent Resource for Congregations & Psalms Classes

    Posted by Stephen Rouse on Jun. 25, 2022

    Matt's Psalter is so well done--it's wonderful to be able to sing all 150 Psalms quickly and easily with familiar tunes! In teaching the Psalms in church Bible classes in the past, I wished I'd had something like this so we could sing each Psalm after studying it, or sing a Psalm that would be part of the sermon. Now we can! I hope this resource will help people to use the Psalms even more in public and private worship.