Truth NewsJune 15th, 2024
Only 1 month until 2024 Truth Lectures!
Be sure to follow CEI Bookstore | Truth Publications on social media for details and updates for the event: Facebook | Instagram | X | LinkedIn
Check for schedule, speakers, and event information.
Pre-Ordering of the 2024 Truth Lectures book will launch soon, so stay connected! |
What is in the Book? by Hoyt Houchen
Sound, clear, and concise survey of each book of the Old & New Testament in single lessons with accompanying study questions and suggested resources for further study.
Hoyt Houchen (1918-2007) preached the gospel for nearly 70 years for churches in California, Texas, and Colorado. He served for over twenty-five years as an elder with the Boston St. church of Christ in Aurora, Colorado, where he also served as an evangelist.
 | Accountability and Obeying the Gospel: Suggestions to Parents by Ric Keaster
A short study aimed at helping parents navigate the challenging issues involved in helping their children determine when they are ready to obey the gospel. As a retired professor and Bible class teacher, Ric explores some approaches that can be taken with children that will help them make this important decision and evaluate if and when they are ready to make such a commitment.Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Good and Evil Accountability: Being Responsible for Our Thoughts and Actions Maturational Variability Peer Influence Parental Dilemma “I Want to Be Baptized” Some Questions Minimal Scriptural Understanding What If I Think They Are Not Ready? Potential Outcomes of Selected Approaches Final Points |
Accountability and Obeying the Gospel: Suggestions for Parents | retail $9.97 | pre-order $8.97 | |
The Family and the Home | $7.97 | |
 | Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual SongsHelping you worship God!850 hymns • wide genre • recovered verses • a teaching hymnalThis hymnal's goal is to help saints glorify God in musical worship. One of the most noticeable features is the use of Phrased Notation. The width of the hymn is determined by the words and phrases, not the size of the page. Additional highlights include: Smyth sewn binding, so it lays flat. The dimensions give it the feel of a “handbook,” literally – it fits the hand well. Good use of white space, as in a book of poetry, and the hymn selection, a mix of old and new, is marvelous. Get it into your hands and you will see the great quality! ***For best shipping quotes on large quantity orders, please call us at 855-492-6657.*** |
 | Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs Hymnal | $19.97 | |
 | Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs Hymnal - FlexCase | $43.97 | |
 | Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs SlideMaker | reg. $849.00 | sale $649.00 | |
 | You Do Not Change - 15 Hymn Slide Set | reg. $89.97 | sale $53.98 | |
Digital Truth Magazine - One Year Subscription | $14.95 | |
TIL Passing the Torch, by Mike Willis | $10.97 | sale $5.00 | |
 | As We Behold His Glory by Keith Hamilton, is a thirteen-lesson Bible study workbook exploring the identity, work, and roles associated with Jesus. Students are urged to “behold” Jesus as a Savior, Child, Man, Bridegroom, Servant, Physician, Lamb, Lion, Lord and God, Prophet, High Priest, King, and Judge. Each lesson ends with discussion questions challenging the student to carefully consider the material presented. It is an excellent text for use in Bible classes, small groups, and for individual study to grow in one’s understanding of the significance the Lord can hold in our lives. Table of Contents Dedication Foreword 1. Behold, a Savior 2. Behold, This Child 3. Behold, the Man 4. Behold, the Bridegroom 5. Behold, My Servant 6. Behold, the Great Physician 7. Behold, the Lamb of God 8. Behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah 9. Behold, My Lord and My God 10. Behold, God’s Prophet 11. Behold, Our Great High Priest 12. Behold, Your King 13. Behold, the Judge
Order your copy today here! |
 | Defending the Faith Bible Personal-Carry EditionPRODUCT DESCRIPTION [NOTE: This personal-carry edition is NOT our extensive, 2,500-page apologetics STUDY Bible, but a smaller Bible with some good basic study notes for relatively new Bible readers.] Features: New King James Version Brown/Softback cover 1,500 pages / Weight: 2 pounds Includes Old and New Testament text Brief summaries and outlines of each book 14 full-color maps 80 pages of foundational truth material Potential Uses: Evangelism tool Graduation gift Bible Visitor Bible Mission field Fair booths School classrooms New converts Pew Bible ISBN - 978-1-60063-185-6 Brown/Softback, 1,500 pages, 2023 Dimensions: 8.75" x 5.75" x 1.75" Text size: 9 pt. font No red-letter text |
Bible NKJV Defending the Faith Personal - Carry Edition (Brown/Softcover) | $14.00 | |
A Short Study in Church History | reg. $4.97 / sale $1.97 | |