
Digital Truth Magazine - One Year Subscription




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Product Description

Digital Edition of Truth Magazine One-Year Subscription

One-Year Subscription12 Digital Issues, monthly

Truth Magazine is a monthly periodical focused on teaching Bible principles. The approach is from a conservative Christian worldview, accepting the Bible as the inerrant, inspired word of God. Topics covered include moral and doctrinal issues with practical applications. The Christians involved are not part of any denomination and accept no creed. We strive to follow the New Testament of Jesus Christ as our only standard of faith and practice (Colossians 3:17; Matthew 28:18).

The first issue of your subscription will arrive in your email inbox on the first of the following month. If you do not receive this first issue, please check your spam folder.

Digital Email Group Pricing now available!

(Special price breaks by quantity.)

One-year subscriptions billed annually just as the single user subscription. Once your quantity is confirmed and order placed, we will assist in the setup of your email group/list creation and maintenance. First step is to place the order of total subscriptions you need for your church/group, 2nd step will come when we contact you to facilitate the import of your email list for our distribution of the digital magazine. In the past we offered Bundle subscription options for the printed edition for distribution at your congregation or in your local area. This Digital Email Group Pricing for the all-digital edition will now replace that former offering.

Price breaks:

Qty 1+ = $14.95

Qty 10+ = $12.95

Qty 25+ = $10.95

Qty 50+ = $8.95

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