
TIL Walking by Faith: A Study of Institutionalism - (PDF) Class Use Edition






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PDF Class Use Digital Edition

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Truth in Life Series
Walking by Faith: A Study of Institutionalism

by Roy E. Cogdill
with questions by Kyle Pope

This workbook serves as a sequel to brother Cogdill’s The New Testament Church An understanding of the lessons included in this book would have saved many churches from digression and division over institutional issues. The errors of the sponsoring church arrangement for evangelism and church support of colleges and orphan homes are also exposed. There is no better study book on the issues that divided churches of Christ in the mid-20th century. 16 lessons.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Mission of the Church
  2. The Sufficiency of the Church of Christ
  3. How Scriptural Authority Can Be Established
  4. The Bible Doctrine of Expediency
  5. When is a New Testament Example Binding?
  6. The Church and the Christian Individual
  7. The Autonomy of the Local Church
  8. The Extent and Limitations of the Authority of Elders
  9. How New Testament Congregations Cooperated
  10. The Church and Human Organizations
  11. The Work of the Church - Evangelism
  12. The Work of the Church - Edification
  13. The Work of the Church - Benevolence
  14. The Problems of Congregational Cooperation
  15. The Church Universal and the Church Local
  16. The Christian's Obligations in the Interest of Unity in the Church


Author: Roy E. Cogdill
ISBN-10: 1584272104
ISBN-13: 9781584272106
Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"
Page Count: 82
Binding: Paperback