
The Life Of Christ



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Product Description

Truth in Life Series
The Life of Christ
by Olen Holderby 

This workbook is actually a study of Christ as he is depicted in the gospels. It is a good study for either teens or adults. 13 lessons, Workbook.


Chapter Titles:

  1. Jesus Was Both God and Man
  2. The Birth and Childhood of Jesus
  3. Jesus and Temptation
  4. Jesus and Disappointments
  5. Jesus and Sorrow and Suffering
  6. Jesus and His Enemies
  7. Jesus and Prayer
  8. Jesus and Attitudes
  9. Jesus and Fun
  10. Jesus the Teacher
  11. Jesus Goes To Heaven
  12. First Review
  13. Second Review.

Product Information

Author: Olen Holderby
Publisher: Truth Publications
ISBN-10: 1584271507
ISBN-13: 9781584271505
Dimensions: 8.5" 5.5"
Page Count: 61
Binding: Paperback