
NIV Commentary - Romans




Product Description

by Jack Cottrell

College Press NIV Commentary Series is formatted with a verse-by-verse explanation of the text. It was developed for both the scholar and the average Bible student. The College Press NIV Commentary Series is the only full commentary set in print from the Restoration Movement. Each volume (41 volumes for the Old & New Testament) contains the following helpful features:

  • Biblically sound exegesis
  • Clear exposition
  • Objective approach
  • Concise introduction
  • New International Version of the Bible
  • Key word translation
  • Easy to use design format
  • Practical footnotes
  • And more!



God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105), and no part of it shines more brilliantly than the book of Romans. The truth of God's Word sets us free (John 8:32), and Romans teaches us the most liberating of all truths. God's Word is sharp and piercing like a sword (Hebrews 4:12), and no blade penetrates more deeply into our hearts than Romans.

Martin Luther called the Epistle to the Romans the greateest book within the greatest book. He undoubtedly was referring to the awesome power of God revealed in Romans. This power, contained within Paul's Epistle, has saved lives, changed hearts, and altered the very course of human history.

American churches have tended to concentrate on the book of Acts. Acts is a tremendous book, especially when it comes to building New Testament churches. However, Romans is to Acts what meat is to milk. As a group we need to mature; we need to move from Acts to Romans.

In 1996 and 1998 College Press published the two volumes of Jack Cottrell's commentary on Romans as part of The College Press NIV Commentary series. Immediately the volumes received deservedly high praise. As a writer, Dr. Cottrell has the unusual ability to present his ideas clearly and simply. Even when dealing with complex issues he can cut to the very marrow of the matter. He takes great care to wrestle with the text until the meaning of Paul's words--God's words--is accurately exposed. In the process of explaining the text, Cottrell also interacts with other writers assessing their positions, attacking their weaknesses, and confirming their contributions to the understanding of the text.

All the while he is concerned about theology: theology that comes directly from Romans to be sure; however, he is also concerned about the theology that comes to Romans from the rest of Scripture. Cottrell also writes from the unique perspective of one who has long been a part of the Restoration Movement.

This edition of The College Press NIV Commentary series is the result of reducing the two-volume set to a single volume. The primary motivation behind this change is the deisre to see greater distribution and use of what we consider to be a very important contribution from one of the Restoration Movement's most popular contemporary writers. The simple fact is more people are likely to benefit from a single volume on Romans than a double volume with its increased cost. However, the publisher agreed that all the material from the original two volumes will be included in the abridged version by way of an electronic copy. Thus the reader has the best of all possibilities: an abridged version of the commentary that also includes the original, unabriged version on a CD.

Author: Jack Cottrell
ISBN-10: 0899002471
ISBN-13: 9780899002477
Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.3 inches
Page Count: 559
Binding: Hardback

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