Product Description
Disovering God's Way Curriculum
Primary (Grades 1-3) Year 1, Book 4
His Last Week on Earth
Chapter Titles:
Lesson 1: Mary Shows Her Love / Jesus' Royal Entry to Jerusalem
Lesson 2: Jesus Cleanses the Temple / His Authority is Questioned
Lesson 3: Herodians Question Jesus / Sadducees Question the Resurrection
Lesson 4: Lawyers Question Jesus / Prepare for His Coming
Lesson 5: Judas Agrees to Betray / Passover is Prepared
Lesson 6: Lord's Supper Instituted / Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
Lesson 7: Jesus Reveals Who Will Betray Him / Peter's Denial Predicted
Lesson 8: Jesus Prays in Gethsemane / Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested
Lesson 9: Trial by the Jews / Peter denies the Lord
Lesson 10: Jesus Tried by Pilate Herod / Pilate and the Release of Barabbas
Lesson 11: Jesus Crucified Third Hour / Jesus Yielded up His Spirit
Lesson 12: Joseph Buries Jesus / Raised 1st Day
Lesson 13: Road to Emmaus / Thomas Refused, Later Believed