by Daniel H. King, Sr. This workbook on Daniel is presented as a companion to the commentary on Daniel. It is an abridgement of the commentary designed for use in adult Bible classes. 13 Lessons
92 Pages. Paperback.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Book of Daniel Lesson 2: Modern Challenges to the Authenticity and Integrity of Daniel Lesson 3: Introduction of Daniel and His Friends to the Babylonian Court (1:1-21) Lesson 4: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Statue and Its Interpretation (2:1-49) Lesson 5: The Golden Image and the Fiery Furnace (3:1-30) Lesson 6: Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream and His Madness (4:1-37) Lesson 7: Belshazzar’s Great Feast and the Writing on the Wall (5:1-31) Lesson 8: Daniel in the Lion’s Den (6:1-28) Lesson 9: A Dream and Three Visions: God’s Prophetic Plan for the Nations and His People (7:1-12:13) Lesson 10: The Vision of the Ram and the He-Goat (8:1-27) Lesson 11: Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks of Years (9:1-27) Lesson 12: The Final Vision: A Prophetic Panorama (10:1-11:39) Lesson 13: The End of the Period of Tribulation (11:40-12:13)