Product Description
Washing Feet: Servant Leadership in the Church by Robert Curry
The study of leadership includes a wide variety of social, communicative, motivational, persuasive, and educational concerns. In a consideration of congregational, and spiritual settings, there are those concerns as well as questions of scripturality, spirituality, theology, ethics, and morality. Since these components of leadership and its dynamics are known, why is leading in a congregational setting such a problem? In the same way, why is followership a problem? Why is the organization that is the congregation often less than successful?
The topic of leadership must be a major concern of every congregation. If this subject is to make contact with congregational studies, a clear path into theological and biblical concerns must be fully understood.
This book is about leaders and the application of servant leadership in a congregational setting with an aim to equip the elders and those they designate for duty to know how to develop faith, utilize talents, encourage moral goodness, and spiritually form the congregation.
Dr. Robert Curry (DMin., Harding School of Theology) has been in full-time ministry within the churches of Christ for thirty-eight years. His research fields include homiletics, ministry and practical theology, and organizational leadership. He has served as an adjunct professor for twenty years.