
TIL The New Testament Church - (PDF) Class Use Edition






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PDF Class Use Digital Edition

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Truth in Life Series
The New Testament Church
by Roy E. Cogdill


Part One: The Nature of the Church
Lesson 1: The Called Out Body
Lesson 2: The Household of God
Lesson 3: The Kingdom of God
Lesson 4: The Body of Christ
Lesson 5: The Temple of God
Lesson 6: The Vineyard of the Lord

Part Two: The Origin of the Church
Lesson 7: The Origin of the Church
Lesson 8: The Authority of the Church
Lesson 9: Use of Old Testament Scripture

Part Three: The Mission of the Church
Lesson 10: Evangelism
Lesson 11: Personal Evangelism
Lesson 12: Edification
Lesson 13: Ministry to the Poor

Part Four: Church Membership
Lesson 14: The Grandeur and Glory of the Church
Lesson 15: What Membership Means
Lesson 16: Membership - It's Responsibilies
Lesson 17: Salvation and Church Membership
Lesson 18: How to Become a Member

Part Five: Church Government
Lesson 19: The Organization of the Church
Lesson 20: The Eldership
Lesson 21: Deacons 
Lesson 22: Evangelists

Part Six: Unity
Lesson 23: The Importance of Unity
Lesson 24: The Undenominational Character of the Church
Lesson 25: The Sin of Division
Lesson 26: God's Plan for Unity
Lesson 27: Unity, An Individual Obligation

Part Seven: The Identity of the Church
Lesson 28: The Identity of the Church
Lesson 29: A Scriptural Name
Lesson 30: Scriptural Worship
Lesson 31: Scriptural Teaching
Lesson 32: Scriptural Teaching
Lesson 33: The Purity of the Church
Lesson 34: The Church and Worldliness
Lesson 35: The Discipline of the Church

Part Eight: The Worship of the Church
Lesson 36: The Lord's Day
Lesson 37: The Lord's Supper
Lesson 38: Music in the Worship
Lesson 39: Instrumental Music
Lesson 40: Church Finances
Lesson 41: Church Finances
Lesson 42: Church Finances

Part Nine: Churches of the New Era
Lesson 43: The Church at Jerusalem
Lesson 44: The Church at Antioch
Lesson 45: The Corinthian Church
Lesson 46: The Church at Philippi
Lesson 47: The Church at Ephesus
Lesson 48: The Church at Thessalonica
Lesson 49: The Church at Rome
Lessons 50-52: A Study of the Seven Churches of Asia


Product Information

Author: Roy E. Cogdill
ISBN-10: 1584270810
ISBN-13: 9781584270812
Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"
Page Count: 150
Binding: Paperback</p