Product Description
In the summer of AD 70, under the command of the future emperor Titus, three Roman legions captured ancient Jerusalem and burned its temple. For some students of the Bible, this important event has come to be viewed as the focal point of all redemption history surpassing even the cross of Christ. For some, it fulfilled all end-times prophecies. Thinking about AD 70, by Kyle Pope is an in-depth challenge to such conclusions testing the scriptural validity of this “AD 70 Doctrine.” The introduction unveils for the reader why this book was written and the alarming nature of this false doctrine. Chapter 1 begins with definitions that will be addressed throughout the study. Chapter 2 explores the argument that the Song of Moses should be understood as a specific prophecy pointing to AD 70 as “the end.” Chapter 3 analyzes the interpretation of “heavens and earth” as a reference to the Jewish system. Chapter 4 considers the role and limits that “Moses and the Prophets” play in shaping Christian doctrine. Chapter 5 addresses biblical teaching on the resurrection of the dead. Chapter 6 discusses the focus and subject of the Mount of Olives Discourse. Chapter 7 examines evidence for the date of the Book of Revelation. Chapter 8 ends the study by offering some consequences Christians must consider if they accept this erroneous teaching. The book includes an appendix on the eschatology of Ezekiel, addressing issues including realized eschatology. A Scripture index allows the reader to find specific content pertaining to particular biblical passages.
Publisher: Truth Publications
Author: Kyle Pope