
Some of Jesus' Favorite Stories





Product Description

Some of Jesus' Favorite Stories

A Study of Jesus' Parables

by Dan Winkler

Life Changing Studies from the Heart of Jesus


Jesus loved to tell stories, and he was good at it!

He’d take an everyday experience, craft it into an easy-to-be-remembered illustration, and drive home a spiritual point he wanted to make. The Holy Spirit called these beautiful little stories called parables.

Dan Winkler guides us through fifteen parables. He unravels their contexts and unveils the reason for their being told. He alerts us to some details that make each story breathe with life. Then, he invites their timeless messages into our lives and provides why Jesus could be called a “Teacher Come From God” (John 3:1-2).

Table of Contents:

  1. The Sower: "The Most Important Parable of Them All"
  2. The Unforgiving Servant: "A Chance to Change the Past"
  3. The Good Samaritan: "The Makings of a 'Good' Person"
  4. The Rich Fool: "The Fool with a Fortune but No Future"
  5. The Barren Fig Tree: "Repent or Live to Regret It"
  6. The Great Supper: "Pride says, 'Excuse Me'"
  7. The Unfinished Tower & Prudent King: "Consumed by Christ"
  8. The Prodigal Son: "The Heart of Our Heavenly Father"
  9. The Rich Man and Lazarus (*excluded by some as a parable): "Seconds After I Say, 'Good-bye"
  10. The Persistent Widow: "The Power of Prayers and a God Who Cares"
  11. The Pharisee and Publican: "Religious but Far from Righteous"
  12. The Faithful Servant & Foolish Virgins: "What if There was No Tomorrow?"
  13. The Talents: "When We See Jesus"
