Product Description
by Martel Pace
The Book of Hebrews stands as a wonderful source of encouragement, reminding Christians of why they have pledged their allegiance to Christ. Martel Pace guides the reader through the treasures in Hebrews, adding keen textual insights and helpful homiletic tools. This volume will bolster any Christ-seeking congregation.
"Martel Pace began an exhaustive study of the letter to the Hebrews many years ago. The result of his study and of several years' experience teaching the book to students at Faulkner University has been that he has come to love the book more and more, believing that it is particularly good preventive medicine for today's church. He especially encourages us to acknowledge the authority of God and His Son, Jesus Christ ... and to hold fast our confession.'"
Carl W Cheatham, Ph.D., Professor of Bible, Associate Dean
V.P. Black College of Biblical Studies, Faulkner University
"An easy-to-read commentary that applies the truth of the Scriptures to everyone's life."
The Truth for Today Commentary series is being written in an effort to complete a commentary on every book in the Bible. This series is being written by Bible professors and preachers of the churches of Christ, congregations dedicated to being the church that Jesus built. Using the NASB 1995 updated edition, each volume provides remarks on virtually every verse, and each chapter ends with an application section Which offers suggestions for developing sermons and Bible classes.
618 pages. Hardback.