
Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon: A Study Workbook



Product Description

The Pillar of Truth workbook series of the New Testament takes a fresh look at these timeless documents from the Spirit. Most are broken into helpful sections as well as lessons to assist the student in digesting the material and all come from the hand of a diligent Bible student and teacher.

Philippians is easily one of the most upbeat and positive of all of the New Testament epistles. It is an excellent study, and offers essential doctrinal perspective as well as great encouragement for Christians today.

Colossians is one of the most theologically-important epistles on the nature of Christ and His pre-eminence over all of Creation. It also provides a much needed understanding of His headship over His church, and the believer’s proper response to His authority. 

Philemon is a short epistle that is often overlooked or undervalued, but the Bible student will be impressed by how much relevant insight Paul’s brief correspondence offers us. 

This study will be of great benefit to anyone who desires to improve his or her personal relationships with fellow believers.  Philippians, Colossians and Philemon Study Workbook is ideal for personal, family, or group studies.

  • 13 lessons; 142 pages