Product Description
by Dr. Hermann Olshausen
Volume 6 contains: 1 & 2 Timothy, Philemon, and Hebrews
This is a classic set of New Testament commentaries written in the early to mid-nineteenth century. Olshausen was a well-educated, German student of the New Testament who was reacting to the rationalism that was spreading throughout Germany. His materials are especially rich on the gospels.
Olshausen’s Biblical Commentary on the New Testament is an insightful chapter-by-chapter commentary that discusses the historical, textual, and interpretive issues of most of the New Testament (Matthew – Hebrews). He aptly discusses the doctrinal and practical teachings of the New Testament. He also carefully traces the history of canonization and the history of interpretation.
Olshausen writes at length on historical and authorship issues, linguistic and textual issues, and the New Testament use of the Old Testament. His commentary recognizes the organic unity of the entire Scriptures and the role of the Holy Spirit in its writing and interpretation, yet he encourages the use of historical and critical investigation of Scripture. In this way, Olshausen anticipates the debate over infallibility, inspiration, and inerrancy later taken up by B. B. Warfield and the generations of biblical scholars that followed. His "Proof of the Genuineness of the Writings of the New Testament," which is prefixed to the commentary, is considered a classic in the field.
Although his commentary is rich with scholarly insight on textual, historical, and linguistic issues, his main goal is explaining the true meaning of Scripture for the average Bible student.
624 pages, Hardback.