
Locating the Lord's Church




Product Description

Locating the Lord's Church

by Johnie Edwards, Johnie Paul Edwards, and John Isaac Edwards

Thirteen lessons to assist truth seekers in identifying the church built by Christ revealed in the New Testament.

Lesson Titles:
  1. Learning About the Lord's Church
  2. The Origin of the Lord's Church
  3. The Relationship of Christ to the Lord's Church
  4. What the Lord's Church is Not.
  5. Figures By Which the Lord's Church is Set Forth
  6. The Government of the Lord's Church
  7. The Name of the Lord's Church
  8. The Worship of the Lord's Church
  9. The Work of the Lord's Church
  10. Keeping the Lord's Church Pure
  11. Unity in the Lord's Church
  12. Members of the Lord's Church
  13. Apostasy in the Lord's Church

40 pages. Workbook.

ISBN-13: 9781584273196