In this book the author has maintained and, indeed, raised the high standard of excellence established in his earlier Commentary on Peter, John and Jude. The thousands who have read, with pleasure and profit, this volume will be delighted with the author's Commentary on the Epistle of James and Commentary on John.
This is a rare book, not that it is old or scarce, but in that it is eminently worth a careful reading and mature study. It is a book that will be read and cherished by grateful students hundreds of years from now.
Brotherhood material on James is relatively scarce. This volume will fill a long-felt need. It is sent forth with a feeling of great satisfaction, believing that it will help thousands to a better understanding and appreciation of the "Practical Epistle of James."
GA Commentary on James. This is an excellent study of the book of James written on the popular level. It will increase one's knowledge of God's word while making practical applications of its teachings.