Product Description
His Last week on Earth (Teacher’s Manual), by Julie Smith is the fourth workbook in the second year of the primary level of the Discovering God’s Way (DGW) series. It is designed to accompany the workbook.
Introduction: Primary (Grades 1-3) Year 2, Book 4
- Lesson 1, Part 1: Mary Shows Her Love
- Lesson 1, Part 2: Jesus’s Royal Entry to Jerusalem
- Lesson 2, Part 1: Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- Lesson 2, Part 2: His Authority Is Questioned
- Lesson 3, Part 1: Herodians Question Jesus
- Lesson 3, Part 2: Sadducees Question the Resurrection
- Lesson 4, Part 1: Lawyers Question Jesus
- Lesson 4, Part 2: Prepare for His Coming
- Lesson 5, Part 1: Judas Agrees to Betray
- Lesson 5, Part 2: Passover Is Prepared
- Lesson 6, Part 1: Lord’s Supper Instituted
- Lesson 6, Part 2: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
- Lesson 7, Part 1: Jesus Reveals Who Will Betray Him
- Lesson 7, Part 2: Peter’s Denial Predicted
- Lesson 8, Part 1: Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
- Lesson 8, Part 2: Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested
- Lesson 9, Part 1: Trial by the Jews
- Lesson 9, Part 2: Peter Denies the Lord
- Lesson 10, Part 1: Jesus Tried by Pilate
- Lesson 10, Part 2: Pilate and the Release of Barabbas
- Lesson 11, Part 1: Jesus Crucified
- Lesson 11, Part 2: Jesus Yielded up His Spirit
- Lesson 12, Part 1: Joseph Buries Jesus
- Lesson 12, Part 2: Raised First Day
- Lesson 13, Part 1: Road to Emmaus
- Lesson 13, Part 2: Thomas Refused, Later Believed