
Too Close Too Soon



Product Description

by Talley

This book teaches the difference between premature intimacy and lust, and the pure relationship God has intended for men and women. Single men and women today often are unprepared to withstand pressures for instant gratification. Distorting the need to love and be loved into brief sexual flings, they suffer emotionally destructive side effects--loneliness, rejection, guilt, and feelings of having been ''used.'' This book outlines effective methods for building quality relationships while curtailing premature intimacy. It is a plain-spoken and experience-tested manual.

192 pages. Paperback. 

Product Reviews - +

  • 5
    Excellent marriage guide

    Posted by "mnsister1" on Jun. 2, 2013

    This book is fantastic. My husband and I had both come out of a number of "too close" relationships before we met and we needed some guidance when we started dating. We each had our own copy of the book and followed it to the letter. It was extremely difficult, but it was the best thing we could have done for our relationship. It was because we followed the book to the letter that we are married and still together 8 years later. The book outlines a program that requires a lot of self-discipline which leads to a bonding between the couple. By following the guidelines in the book we were able to avoid too much physical contact and were able to really get to know one another mentally and emotionally.

    I highly recommend this to couples who are just beginning to date and want some help building a strong foundation on which to build their relationship.