by Paul Blake
The Bible Text Book Series is an excellent commentary workbook series. Each lesson consists of several pages of commentary followed by a couple of pages of short answer questions. Great workbook for adult and upper teenage Bible classes. 13 Lessons
59 Pages. Paperback.
Lesson 1: Introduction and Greeting Lesson 2: Hope in the Inheritance of the Begotten Again Lesson 3: Born Again by the Incorruptible Seed Lesson 4: Honest Conversation Lesson 5: Honorable Marriage Lesson 6: The Answer of a Good Conscience Lesson 7: Armed with the Mind of Christ Lesson 8: Exhortations that Establish Lesson 9: Things that Pertain to Life and Godliness Lesson 10: Holy men of God Spake as They Were Moved Lesson 11: The Reward of Unrighteousness Lesson 12: What Manner of Persons Ought Ye to Be? Lesson 13: Earnestly Contending for the Faith