
Truth Lectures 2018 - "In the Beginning" Studies in Genesis PDF






Product Description

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"In the Beginning"-Studies in Genesis: 2018 Truth Lectures

“In the Beginning”: Studies in Genesis edited by Mark Mayberry and Kyle Pope is a series of essays on the book of Genesis. These studies combine a mix of practical and devotion studies along with in-depth technical considerations of issues raised in Genesis. The preface and introduction, written by editors Mark Mayberry and Kyle Pope set the stage for this exploration of Genesis. Three keynote lessons seek to answer eternal questions: Who Is God?, by John Gibson; What Is Man?, by Doy Moyer; and Why a Savior?, by Jim Deason. Three essays consider controversies regarding Genesis: Textual Challenges—Minimalist vs. Maximilist Approach, by Chris Reeves; Doctrinal Challenges—Denying the Creation Account, by Joshua Gurtler; and Archaeological Challenges—Denying the Historicity of the Biblical Record, by Nathan Ward. Three men with extensive backgrounds in travel and study of Bible lands offer lessons from archaeology: Mesopotamia, by Steve Wolfgang; Canaan, by Mike Willis; and Egypt, by Leon Mauldin.  Three essays are aimed at learning from ancient failures. These include: The Fall of Adam, by Tommy Peeler; The Ante-Diluvian World, by Buc Chumbley; and Sodom and Gomorrah, by Daniel H. King, Sr. The final essays diverge into a men’s track and a women’s tract looking at families of faith in the book of Genesis. The men’s track examines: Abraham, by David Cox; Isaac, by David Dann; and Jacob, by Ben Walker, and the women’s track examines:  Sarah, by Diana Dow; Rebekah, by Jennifer Maxey; and Rachel and Leah, by Sherelyn Mayberry. The book ends with an appendix featuring six articles first published in Truth Magazine entitled: Growing from Genesis.