Product Description
When You… by Johnie Edwards is a thirteen lesson series of outlines designed for Bible studies in the home or congregation. Each lesson is designed to be covered in one study, considering important times in life in light of our accountability before God. Lesson 1 asks the student to explore issues to consider when you become a Christian. Lesson 2 addresses attitudes one must have when reading Scripture. Lesson 3 discusses the criteria to be used when choosing a church. Lessons 4-9 deal with the proper mindset when worshipping in prayer, song, giving, observing the Lord’s Supper, and studying the Apostles’ Doctrine. Lessons 10-11 deal with family: when you marry and when you have children. The book ends with lesson 12 warning of the danger of falling away and lesson 13 addressing preparation for death.
When You… by Johnie Edwards
Lesson 1: When You Become a Christian
Lesson 2: When You Read
Lesson 3: When You Choose a Church
Lesson 4: When You Worship
Lesson 5: When You Pray
Lesson 6: When You Sing
Lesson 7: When You Give
Lesson 8: When You Eat the Lord’s Supper
Lesson 9: When You Continue in the Apostles Doctrine
Lesson 10: When You Marry
Lesson 11: When You Have Children
Lesson 12: When You Fall Away
Lesson 13: When You Die