Product Description
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described two paths that are before each one of us. There is a broad way that leads to destruction and a narrow way that leads to life. The Lord has called us to follow Him down the narrow way, though there are few who will take that path.
In this book, sister Luci Partain discusses this narrow way. Through this collection of essays, she explains what the life of a disciple will look like – pursuing holiness, focusing on what is important, and learning to be like Jesus. As many choose to follow the broad way, we need to be different from the world and keep walking the narrow way.
The book contains the following essays:
- The Narrow Way: Dying to Self
- The Path of Holiness
- Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God
- Living Righteously in an Evil World – Titus 3
- Soul Decluttering
- Adorning the Doctrine of Christ
- Micah: What Doth Jehovah Require of Thee?
- Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God
- In Pursuit of a Pure Heart
- Fear – Less
- Numb to Sin
- Learning Jesus
- Salty Christians
- More Holiness Give Me
- The Christian and Social Media
- A Life Worthy of God
- Courageous Voyage: Dying to Self