Product Description
The Pillar of Truth workbook series of the New Testament takes a fresh look at these timeless documents from the Spirit. Most are broken into helpful sections as well as lessons to assist the student in digesting the material and all come from the hand of a diligent Bible student and teacher.
Paul’s personal epistle to his protégé, Titus, is brimming with theological truths as well as extremely relevant information for everyday Christian living. Titus has been sent to the Mediterranean island of Crete in order to strengthen the church there and oversee the appointment of elders. The general character of the Cretans, however, makes this a difficult and daunting mission. Paul’s letter not only tells Titus what he needs to teach, but also what needs to be done. This provides Christians today with a valuable insight into what we also must be teaching and doing.
The Epistle of James is one of the most practical, relevant, and down-to-earth epistles of the New Testament. It does not dwell on theology or abstract concepts, but addresses errors in reasoning, defects of the human heart, and ethical concerns. James is believed to be a physical brother of Jesus and one of the most influential leaders of the church in Jerusalem during the time of the apostles. He uses this pivotal role to confront various issues among Jewish Christians. James is an enduring and indispensable guide for Christians of any generation, since the subjects it covers are just as timely and challenging today as they were for first-century believers.
Titus and James Study Workbook provides a crisp, clear, and straightforward exposition into both of these New Testament books. It contains not only numerous definitions and explanations, but also real-world, practical applications for today’s Christians. This workbook serves as an excellent accompaniment to one’s journey into Titus and James, and will leave the student of the Bible in a far better place than when he or she began it.
- 13 lessons; 126 pages