
TIL Create In Me A Clean Heart - (PDF) Digital Edition






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Create in Me a Clean Heart
Truth in Life Series
edited by Mike Willis

This workbook addresses issues of the heart: sinful anger, pride, envy and jealousy, lust, greed, deceit, ingratitude, bitterness, selfishness, anxiety, irreverence, lack of brother love, self-control. An excellent study for teens or adults who are building character every day.


Lessons and Authors:

  1. Sinful Anger - Bobby Witherington
  2. Avoiding Pride - Don Wright
  3. Envy and Jealousy - Karl Diestelkamp
  4. Lust: The Silent Soul Killer - Brian V. Sullivan
  5. Greed, A Sin of the Mind and Flesh - Don Willis
  6. Deceit - Tom Wheeler
  7. Ingratitude - Charles Willis
  8. Bitterness - Bob Waldron
  9. Selfishness - Richie Thetford
  10. The Joy of Anxiety - Harold Tabor
  11. Irreverence - Tom Roberts
  12. Lack of Brotherly Love -Terry Sanders
  13. Self-Control - Daniel Reugg

13 Lessons, Workbook.

Author: Mike Willis, Editor 
Publisher: Truth Publications
ISBN-10: 1584271248
ISBN-13: 9781584271246
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches 
Page Count: 62
Binding: Paperback