Product Description
PDF Class Use Digital Edition
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The Life of Christ - Part 2
by Johnny Stringer
Contains 12 lessons and one review. These outstanding books are designed for a wide range of ages. They are simple enough for first graders, but have enough material for older elementary students.
Lesson Titles:
- Jesus Talks to Nicodemus About Being Born Again
- Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
- Jesus Calls Four Fishermen to Be Fishers of Men
- Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
- Jesus Heals a Man But Some Still Do Not Believe
- Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles
- The Sermon on the Mount (1)
- The Sermon on the Mount (2)
- The Sermon on the Mount (3)
- Jesus Does Two Miracles
- The Parable of the Sower
- A Sick Woman Is Healed and a Dead Girl Raised
- Review Questions
Author: Johnny Stringer
Publisher: Truth Publications
ISBN-10: 1584274190
ISBN-13: 9781584274193
Dimensions: 6” x 9”
Pages: 56
Binding: Paperback