Product Description
Abernathy, Dennis. Studying the Hymns (Published in 2020 by Faith and Facts Press, 6530 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268). Anyone who knows me knows that I love hymns. I love singing them. And I love studying about them. For several years I have posted hymn studies to various e-mail lists and to my own Hymn Studies Blog at WordPress. Dennis Abernathy, also a gospel preacher, labors with the White Oak Church of Christ in White Oak, TX, where he has been for around thirty years, and obviously has an interest quite similar to mine. His book, Studying the Hymns, consists of twenty-six hymn studies based on sermons that were preached for the White Oak church and other churches.
The chapters are arranged roughly in alphabetical order, beginning with “Abide With Me” and “Amazing Grace” through “My Jesus, I Love Thee” to “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.” These have been well received and appreciated, and, hopefully, they will be beneficial toward spiritual growth and enhanced appreciation of the hymns which we sing. This book is written to help the reader appreciate, not just the tune of the hymn, but the meaning of the words. Abernathy writes, “With that said, it is my prayer that this book will kindle a renewed appreciation for singing in worship as you offer God the sacrifice of praise made possible through His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.”