Product Description
by G. Scott Gleaves
Ask anyone what his or her goal is in life and you will almost always hear, "I just want to be happy." But there are some problems with that answer. We all like feelings of pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction. But they don?t last. They are just feelings - and feelings are fickle. They change with our circumstances. So what do we do? We could give up and scream, "It?s all meaningless!" Or perhaps we could shift our focus and reconsider what we are seeking and where we are finding it. Centuries ago the Preacher wrote a piece of wisdom literature called "Ecclesiastes." This wise man faced the exact same challenges we do today - how to find meaning in life when everything seems to be meaningless. And he found it. Join G. Scott Gleaves on a study of this Old Testament book that holds the key to finding peace and contentment in modern life. You really can find true happiness - you just have to look in the right place.
132 pages. Paperback.