Product Description
by Wendell Winkler
The fourth annual Fort Worth lectures deal with many difficult texts in the OldTestament.
- Contents:
• A Glossary of Difficult Old Testament Words - Norman Gipson
• The Inspiration, Purpose, Duration and Profit of the Old Testament - Wendell Winkler
• The Origin and Reality of Sin and Suffering and the Existence of a Merciful God - Rubel Shelly
• Archaeology and the Old Testament - Bill Humble
• Clarifying the Difficulties Arising from Alleged Contradictions (No. 1) - James Meadows
• Clarifying the Difficulties Arising from Alleged Contradictions (No. 2) - W.B. West
• The Purpose, Nature and Interpretation of Apocalyptic Language - Roy H. Deaver
• A Study of the Providence of God - Wayne Jackson
• How Do You Explain the So-Called "Atrocities" and "Immoralities" Recorded in the Old Testament - Roy Lanier, Jr.
• Interpreting Old Testament Prophecies; Premillennial Violations Exposed - Ed Wharton
• Old Testament Questions, Problems and Difficulties of a General Nature - Hugh Fulford
• False Concepts Held with Relation to the Old Testament - Roy Deaver
• Who Was "The Angel of Jehovah" in the Old Testament? - John Waddey
• Old Testament Authorship and Dating - Furman Kearley
• The Old Testament and Redemption's Sweet Song - Hugo McCord
• Give Us Leaders Like the Prophets - Willard Collins
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Bert Thompson
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Gary Workman
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Dan Winkler
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Johnny Ramsey
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Warren Wilcox
• Difficult Texts from Genesis - Winifred Clark
• Difficult Texts from Exodus - Hershel Dyer
• Difficult Texts from Exodus - Tom Gaumer
• Difficult Texts from Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy - William Woodson
• Difficult Texts from Joshua and Judges - Eddie Cloer
• Difficult Texts from Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel - James O. Baird
• Difficult Texts from 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles - Garland Elkins
• Difficult Texts from Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther - Furman Kearley
• Difficult Texts from Job - W.T. Hamilton
• Difficult Texts from the Psalms and Proverbs - Jack P. Lewis
• Difficult Texts from Ecclesiastes - Flavil Nichols
• Difficult Texts from the Song of Solomon - Hardeman Nichols
• Difficult Texts from Isaiah and Jeremiah - Robert R. Taylor, Jr.
• Difficult Texts from Ezekiel - J. Noel Meredith, Neal Pryor
• Difficult Texts from Daniel - Rex A. Turner
• Difficult Texts from Hosea and Joel - J. Noel Meredith
• Difficult Texts from Amos, Obadiah and Jonah - Furman Kearley
• Difficult Texts from Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai - Jerry Moffitt
• Difficult Texts from Zechariah and Malachi - Herdeman Nichols