Product Description
Paul's Letter to the Saints at Rome
by Robert Whiteside
Originally published in 1945, the ninth edition of this commentary was printed in 2004 by Guardian of Truth.
From the forward:
"The commentary on the book of Romans is decidedly not just another book. It is not a plagiaristic rehash of other books that have been written. It is not the green product of a big hurry to write a book or dictate it to a stenographer. The book is natural. It is a maturity that has been in the process of growth for a long, long time. The author's years of study of, and inspiring essays on the apostolic masterpiece have created a widespread demand for the book, a book that in a way just had to be. It is here. It is a distinct contribution to Christian literature which will be recognized, not only by the church of which he is a member, but by others also. It will find its place into the libraries of Bible students and teachers throughout the land. In some remarkable instances, the author has broken new ground which will bring much satisfaction to the student and open up a field of new thoughts. The literary style of the work is highly gratifying. The reader does not have to dig through a lot of superfluous verbiage to get at the thought. It is pointed right at your heart in a straight line. Here is a book you will want, get, and cherish."
-C. R. Nichol, Cled E. Wallace, Foy E. Wallace, Jr.
16 chapters, 301 pages. Hardback.