Product Description
by Aubrey Johnson
Once again within the Lord's church there are voices calling out for "change." The changes they seek are diverse. Some of the advocated changes relate to music matters: instrumental music by some; vocal bands, humming, etc., by others. It's an issue that split the Restoration Movement in the prior century and led the way to many other unscriptural practices.
This book was prepared for both individual and Bible class study. Through neglect, a new generation has grown up in most congregations that has little understanding of or appreciation for music matters in the Lord's church. Not in the last century has there been a more essential time to remedy that lack of knowledge!
13 Chapters
This book was prepared for both individual and Bible class study. Through neglect, a new generation has grown up in most congregations that has little understanding of or appreciation for music matters in the Lord's church. Not in the last century has there been a more essential time to remedy that lack of knowledge!
13 Chapters