Product Description
by Thomas B Warren
A note from the author:
"A book which can help one to know the real Jesus - the one who is revealed on the pages of the Bible.
"In this present book, I have tried to capture the essence of response to Jesus by the use of three categories...those three categories are the following:
- Jesus is merely a "Lamb" but is not a "Lion" at all. This view implies that because Jesus loves every human being and died for every sinner, He simply does not demand that people learn, love and obey His truth, the Gospel of Christ.
- There are those who hold that Jesus is merely a "Lion" and is not "Lamb" at all. This entails the concept that Jesus is such a hard "taskmaster" in demanding that people obey His word, that He simple cannot be a loving Savior.
- View three, which I affirm in this book, is simply this: Jesus is the "Lamb" of God, and He is also the "Lion"...this means that while Jesus wants all men to be saved, as a matter of truth, He will save only those who both love and obey Him."
251 pages, hardback.
Contents:- Jesus - The Lamb Who Is a Lion
- "In the Beginning Was the Word"
- Jesus - "The Word Became Flesh"
- Jesus - The Son of God
- Jesus - A Man, But More Than Just a Man
- Jesus - The Crowning Proof of the Grace of God
- Jesus - What His Crucifixion Tells Us
- Jesus - King Over His Kingdom and King of Kings
- Jesus - (Through the Apostles and the Prophets) Makes Clear to Men that Sin Wears a Mask
- Jesus - Came to Bring a Sword
- Jesus - And His Authority Through His Word
- Jesus - "Ye Shall Know the Truth"
- Jesus - Makes Men Free by His Truth (the Gospel)
- Jesus - The Incomparable Teacher
- Jesus - The Misrepresented Teacher
- Jesus - And His Devastating Use of Sound Arguments
- Jesus - Defender of the Truth and Savior of the Obedient
- Jesus - "There Is No Middle"
- Jesus - Our Friend in the Rime of Our Suffering, in the Face of Our Having Sinned, and of Our Facing Death
- Jesus - Who Enables Us to See That Our Earthly Affections Are Very "Light"
- Jesus - How He Taught Men to Pray
- Jesus - And the Proper Laying up of Treasures
- Jesus - Why He Does Not Want Men to Go to Hell
- Jesus - Why He Does Want Us to Go to Heaven Our God, a Consuming Fire
- Jesus - The Lamb Who Is a Lion (A Brief Recap)