
Has God Spoken PB




Product Description

Has God Spoken?
by A. O. Schnabel

Mr. Schnabel sets out to prove that God does exist and that He speaks to us through the Bible. This book is full of evidences and useful information about how the hand of God is seen in every aspect of creation and science. Has God Spoken? uses both Scripture and secular sources to create a comprehensive and faith-building work. 39 cartoons, illustrations, diagrams, tables and photographs.

Table of contents:

    1. Astronomy
    2. Geology
    3. Oceanography
    4. Meterology
    5. Physics
    6. Biology
    7. Prophecy, Archaeology, and History
    8. Bible Tells Its Origin and Authority
    9. God's Account of Creation
    10. Science Reveals the Age of the Universe
    11. Scientific Difficulties of the Evolution Theory
Author: A. O. Schnabel
Publisher: A. O. Schnabel
ITEM: 18745
ISBN-13: 9780975397404
Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 inches 
Page Count: 171
Binding: Paperback