A Handbook on the Minor Prophets
edited by Eddie Whitten
- Introduction to the Minor Prophets
Eddie Whitten
- The Minor Prophets' Role in God's Plan for Man
Keith A. Mosher, Sr.
- An Overview of the Minor Prophets
Perry B. Cotham
- Hosea: The Prophet of Proper Preparation
Charles F. Cochran
- Hosea: Spiritual Adultery and Its Causes
Jim Lewis
- Joel: The Goodness and Severity of God
B. J. Clarke
- Amos: The Universality of God's Justice
David R. Pharr
- Obadiah: Comfort for the Afflicted
Michael Hatcher
- Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet
Lindell Mitchell
- Micah: Te Recompense of Religious Injustice
Bobby Liddell
- Nahum: The Vindication of Vengeance
John Daniels
- Habakkuk: The Just Shall Live by Faith
Gary Colley
- Zephaniah: A Glad Day to Come
Tommy J. Hicks
- Haggai: The Re-establishment of Worship
Ronnie Hayes
- Zechariah: The Man of Visions
H. Daniel Denham
- Malachi: Saving the Integrity of a Nation
Waymon Summers
- He That Hath an Ear Let Him Hear
H. A. "Buster" Dobbs

Publisher: Firm Foundation
ITEM: 17665F
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
Page Count: 190
Binding: Paperback