Product Description
Introducing the Church Of Christ
Distinctive Features of the Church Discussed by over Fifty of Her Ministers
edited by Alvin Jennings
Open your Bible and read about the Church of Christ
The Bible is the only book that is a safe and sure guide on any and all subjects "pertaining to life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3). This book is only intended as an incentive to the reader to "Search the scriptures to see whether these things are so" (Acts 17:11). On the important theme of the church Jesus built, neither the editor nor any writer would want to leave the impression that the chapter he had written about the church constituted any kind of an authority or creed for settling questions or disputes. Rather, he would have the reader to go to the Scriptures and allow God to speak the final word.
For any good you may derive from our humble efforts in editing, writing, and publishing this book, we shall be thankful and shall ascribe unto God all "the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all generations" (Ephesians 3:21).
Chapter Contents:
- Predicted By The Prophets, by Leroy Durley
- Founded By Jesus and On Him, by Hugh Fulford
- But One True Church of Christ, by Dale Larsen
- Not A Denomination, by Wendell Winkler
- Jesus Is The Only Head, by Howard Winters
- Described By Many Figures, by Maxie Boren
- The New Testament Is Only Standard of Authority, by E. Claude Gardner
- Old Testament For Her Learning, But Not Her Law, by William Woodson
- Worships In Song, by James Tolle
- Lays-By-In-Store, by James Pilgrim
- Communes As Christ Ordained, by David Hanson
- Follows Biblical Pattern in Prayer, Alvin Jennings
- Preaching Is Biblical, by Richard Powlus
- Self-Governing Under Christ, by Wallace Alexander
- Overseen by Biblical Elders, by Rex Turner
- Deacons Serve The Church, by Ben Flatt
- Preachers in the Church, by A. K. Gardner
- Wears Only Biblical Names, by B. J. Barr
- Evangelizing the World for Christ, by Jerry Dyer
- God's Benevolent Hand, by Charles Williams
- Teaches New Testament Plan of Salvation, by Joe Barnett
- The Practice of Baptism, by Dub McClish
- Adults are Subjects of Baptism, by Bobby Duncan
- Role of Women in the Church, by James O. Baird
- Upholds Godly Living, by Dan Jenkins
- Honors God's Teaching on Marriage and Divorce, by Wayne Jackson
- The Scriptures are Her Discipline, by B. C. Carr
- Worships On The Lord's Day, by Roy Lanier, Jr.
- Seeks to Restore Original Church, by John Waddey
- Urges All to Unity Upon the Lord, by Mack Craig
- Fellowship for All in Christ, by Jim Massey
- Forfeit Salvation by Turning From Christ, by George DeHoff
- The Holy Spirit in Life of Christian, by John Waddey
- Miracles of Bible Times No Longer Available, by Claude Guild
- Salvation to Whosoever Will Accept, by Clarence DeLoach
- The Nature of Man, by Robert Taylor
- Doctrine of the Godhead, by Ray Hawk
- Future Punishment of Wicked, by Albert Gardner
- Priesthood of All Believers, by Hulen Jackson
- Rejects Outer Forms of Ritualism, by Bill Nicks
- Give to God and to Caesar, by Bill Burchett
- A Virgin Born Savior, by Rubel Shelly
- The Deity of Christ, by Hugo McCord
- An Inspired Bible, by Arlie Hoover
- Saved by Blood of Jesus, by Basil Overton
- God's Kingdom Established on Pentecost 33 AD by M. H. Tucker
- Salvation by Faith, But Not by Faith Only, by Batsell Barrett Baxter
- Church Essential to Salvation, by Doyle Crawford
- Tradition of Men Not Accepted, by J. A. McNutt
- Anxiously Awaits Return of Jesus, by Guy Caskey
- Bodily Resurrection of the Just and the Unjust, by Clayton Winters
- Heaven for the Righteous, Hell for the Wicked, by Reuel Lemmons
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Star Bible
ISBN-10: 0933672721
ISBN-13: 9780933672727
ITEM: 10130
ITEM 2: C-2004
Dimensions: 6.9" x 4.1" x 0.6"
Page Count: 256
Binding: Paperback