Product Description
by Hester, Sam
Synopsis: These notations taken during doctoral studies were made for test preparation, teaching, and writing purposes. The notes are analytical in nature. While these outlines may be used for a number of different purposes, they may be especially useful as a basis for articles, graphics or diagrams.
121 pages, paperback. Contents:
- The Reformation
- Things Leading to Reformation
- Martin Luther
- 95 Theses of Martin Luther
- Conflict with Catholicism
- Leader of Reform
- Writing of Luther
- Principles of Protestantism
- Lutheranism and the State
- Contribution of Protestantism
- Conflicts within Protestantism
- The Counter-Reformation
- The Jesuits
- The Council of Trent (1545-1563)
- Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
- John Calvin
- The Radical Reformation
- Melancthon
- Arminianism
- The Reformation in France
- Early Lutheranism
- German Scholasticism
- Early Calvinism
- Protestantism in Scotland
- Holland
- The Peace of Westphalia
- Early British Christianity
- English Reform
- The English Reformation
- Puritans (or Protestantism) Under Edward IV (1547-1553)
- Protestants Under Mary (1553-1558)
- The Elizabethan Settlement (1558-1603)
- The Rise of Puritanism
- Separatist Puritanism (Began around 1600)
- Rise of Baptists
- Puritans Under James I (1603-1625)
- Puritans Under Charles I (1625-1640)
- The Interegnum (1640-1660)
- Puritans Under Charles II (1660-1685)
- Anglican Comprehension and Its Effects
- Critics and Fulfillers of the Enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- German Pietism
- Evangelical Awakening in England
- The Methodist Movement
- Scheiermacher