Product Description
In Orphan's Wish by Melanie Dickerson, readers will hear an enchanting, reimagined version of the well-known tale, Aladdin, set in medieval Germany. Orphaned Aladdin, travels from the streets of his Arab homeland to a faraway place. He meets Lady Kirstyn, who's father is the powerful Duke of Hagenheim. Despite their differences, Aladdin and Kirstyn quickly become best of friends, forming a bond that time and opposition cannot break.
Through his integrity, intelligence, and sheer tenacity, Aladdin earns a position serving as the duke's steward. This however does not erase the shame he has for being forced to steal as a small child, or the fact that he is an orphan without status. Wanting to feel equal to his generous friend Kirstyn, he must leave Hagenheim and seek his fortune. However, when he leaves, Lady Kirstyn becomes a pawn in a horrible plot. Now Aladdin and Kirstyn must rely on their bond to save her from unexpected danger. Will saving Kirstyn cost Aladdin his newfound status, and everything he has worked so hard for? Paperback, 352 pages. Ages 13-17.