Product Description
by. Jensen, Irving L.
Jensen's Survey of the Old TestamentSynopsis: What do you think of when you think of the Old Testament? Do you recall individual stories like David and Goliath, or Daniel in the lion's den? Or are you able to see the Old Testament as a panoramic view of God's redemptive work? Here is a book that will help you see the Old Testament as a unified whole. Replete with helpful charts and maps, this useful survey of the Old Testament by Irving L. Jensen is sure to open up your understanding of the Old Testament.
The method of Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament is to motivate the student to discover new truths on his own. There is none of the all too common spoon-feeding found in many Bible helps. Consequently, the usefulness of this guide is virtually inexhaustible.
488 pages, hardback. Contents:
- 1. Introduction to the Old Testament
- 2. The Survey Method of Study
- Part 1: Origins of the Human Race and the Early Centuries of Israel's Life
- 3. Genesis: Book of Beginnings
- 4. Exodus: Book of Redemption
- 5. Leviticus: "Ye Shall Be Holy"
- 6. Numbers: Journey to God's Rest Land
- 7. Deuteronomy: Book of Remembrance
- Part 2: History of Israel in and out of the Land of Canaan
- 8. Joshua: Book of Conquest
- 9. Judges: Apostasies of God's People
- 10. Ruth: Kinsman-Redeemer Gives Rest
- 11. 1 and 2 Samuel: The First Two Kings of Israel
- 12. 1 and 2 Kings: From Glory to Captivity
- 13. 1 and 2 Chronicles: Judah During the Years of Monarchy
- 14. Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther: Return of the Jewish Remnant from Exile
- Part 3: Reflections and Worship During the Monarchial Years
- 15. Job: Knowing God Better through Adversity
- 16. Psalms: "Bless the Lord, O My Soul"
- 17. Proverbs: Walking in the Fear of the Lord
- 18. Ecclesiastes: Vanity Under the Sun, But Hope Is in God
- 19. Song of Solomon: Union and Communion
- Part 4: Ministries of the People
- 20. Isaiah: The Glorious Throne of Jehovah, the Holy One
- 21. Jeremiah: Book of Judgment
- 22. Lamentations: Mourning over Affliction
- 23. Ezekiel: The Glory of the Lord
- 24. Daniel: God Rules the World
- 25. The Twelve Minor Prophets
- 26. The Minor Prophets of Israel
- 27. The Minor Prophets of Judah
- The Postexilic Prophets