Product Description
HOLD ON is the 30th CD of songs which come from the hymnal "Songs for Worship and Praise." We are very near having 700 of the 1007 songs recorded on acappella recordings. Songs on this CD include:
Where Could I Go 528
Hold to Gods Unchanging Hand 435
Break Forth in glorious Praise N/A
Freely, Freely 752
God Holds the Future in His Hands 84
He Gave Me a Song 394
He Leadeth Me 295
Anywhere with Jesus 269
Hero of Calvary 613
I Feel Like Traveling On 991
Harvest Time 721
How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts 782
Zion's Call 723
Not a Step Willout Jesus 266
On and On we Walk Together 377
It is No Seecret 474
Remind Me Dear Lord 404
Wake Up O Sleeper 897
Every Time I Feel the Spirit 968
There's Fountain Free 856
Oh the Depth and the Riches 338
Worthy Art Thou 142
Mansion Over the Hilltop 823
The Glory Land Way 535
Break Forth in Glorious Praise Reprise N/A