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Is It Reasonable to Believe in God?
By Shane Carrington, Shawn Chancellor, Bruce Reeves, and Tyler Sams
Is It Reasonable to Believe in God? by Shane Carrington, Shawn Chancellor, Bruce Reeves, and Tyler Sams is a series of studies that was first prepared to help college students and young adults prepare to defend themselves against attacks hurled against belief in God in an increasingly hostile secular world. Whether used on its own or in association with the public presentation of this material this book is a valuable resource for Christians interested in strengthening and defending their faith in God.
More from Bruce Reeves:
Many people have asked us, “How did this series of lectures begin?” They were first delivered at the Highway 65 church of Christ in Conway, Arkansas where I have been blessed to work as the evangelist since the year 2000. We have had several college students and young adults who have attended with us through those years. It was important to our shepherds that we offer faith-building teaching to meet the challenges that non-believers present to Christians. We had consistently attempted to equip both parents and young Christians to counter the attacks that students were experiencing at local state universities (Eph. 4:12-16; 1 Pet. 3:15). In the summer of 2016, Kevin Sams, one of our elders, and I discussed how we could offer replies to the arguments of skepticism in a comprehensive manner. We had noticed that the assaults on the faith were coming from various directions. After organizing an intensive study on the critical areas of the faith, we decided to offer the lectureship, “Is It Reasonable to Believe in God?” In the series, scientific evidence for divine creation, philosophical questions, the inspiration and canonicity of the Bible, and the nature of saving faith were addressed. The responses to our efforts have been very encouraging. These lectures have been presented in numerous congregations and it is our prayer that the material will be helpful and edifying in the future. It has been enriching to me personally to have participated with Shane Carrington, Shawn Chancellor, and Tyler Sams in this effort. We want to offer our appreciation to the elders of the Highway 65 congregation (Steven Benson, Alan Finley, Kevin Sams, and Derrill White) for their steadfast support and encouragement in reaching out to those who are seeking the truth. May God bless us all in the defense and confirmation of the gospel of His Son (Phil. 1:3-7).
ISBN-13: 9781584275510
90 pages
Table of Contents
Introduction: How This Series Began
1. Living by Faith in a Skeptical World
2. The Integrity of the Bible
3. Biblical and Extra-Biblical Evidence for God and Creation
4. The Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus
5. Why Does God Allow Suffering?
6. Outcomes of Atheism
Appendix: Answers from Question-and-Answer Sessions
About the Authors