Product Description
For the Men of the Church:
Short Talks Suitable for the Mid-Week Services
by Johnie Edwards & Donnie Oliver
Often, men of a congregation are called upon to make short talks and extend the Lord’s invitation during the mid-week services. This book is a collection of fifty-two outlines designed to aid in this good work. Each lesson is clear, sound, scriptural, and ready for use by men of all ages and experience.
Table of Contents
1. God’s Plan of Salvation
2. A Dozen Things Not Mentioned on Pentecost
3. Three Things to Give Attendance To
4. Is It Too Much for You?
5. These Words Will Keep Us Saved
6. Eight Truths about the Apostles
7. If Christ Had Not Come
8. Ten Things the Bible Teaches about Hell
9. Do You Want Your Soul Anchored?
10. You Get To. . .
11. Remember Not to Forget
12. Christ’s Relationship to Christians
13. A Five Second Sermon
14. Enemies of the Soul
15. And He Added No More
16. Why Jesus Came
17. Three Things a Christian Must Do to Be Saved
18. Heaven Holds All to Me
19. A Time to Remember
20. How Strong Do You Want This Church to Be?
21. A Daily Religion
22. If You’re Lost
23. Anchors for the Soul
24. In the Church
25. Things Said about Doors
26. One Another
27. Some Things to Take to School
28. Paul’s Prayer List
29. Bible Doors
30. Ten Worries Not Found in Hell
31. A Swarm of Spiritual BE Nots
32. The Christian’s Hope
33. Some Spiritual B’s
34. The First
35. At the Cross
36. The Likening of God’s Word
37. Is Your Soul Anchored?
38. Those Who Cannot Be Saved
39. David’s Advice for His Son
40. What Wait I For?
41. Bible Words That Help Keep Us Saved
42. What a “Workman” Does
43. Does Water Save Us Now?
44. What Will You Do with Jesus?
45. “And He Called It Nehushtan”
46. Words Too Hard for the Denominational Preacher to
47. Choose You This Day
48. Why?
49. More About Doors
50. The Devil
51. “He Called It Nehushtan”
52. Encouragement from the Revelation Letter
ISBN 10: 158427-579-0
ISBN 13: 978-158427-579-4