
Explorer Series Journey #6 Survey of Scripture





Product Description

Explorer Series Journey #6 Survey of Scripture

Product Description

This series is an invaluable teaching tool for parents who want their children to know the truth about the evidence standing behind their faith. Each full-color, 8-page lesson includes professional artwork and illustrations that appeal to young readers, as well as activities such as puzzles, word-finds, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false questions, and mazes-all of which are intended to reinforce the teaching found within each lesson. The series is flexible enough so that it can be used in Bible class settings, VBS classes, home schooling, or even summer camps. It is designed so that teachers have the freedom to send individual lessons home with each child, or compile all 13 lessons into a notebook that can be used in class and then given to the child for future reference at the end of the quarter.

Lessons include:

Lesson 1- Genesis-Exdous

Lesson 2-Leviticus-Joshua

Lesson 3- Judges-2 Kings

Lesson 4- 1 Chronicles-Esther

Lesson 5- Job-Song of Solomon

Lesson 6- Isaiah-Daniel

Lesson 7- Hosea-Micah

Lesson 8- Nahum-Malachi

Lesson 9- Matthew-Acts

Lesson 10- Romans-Ephesians

Lesson 11- Philippians-2 Timothy

Lesson 12- Titus-2 Peter

Lesson 13- 1 John-Revelation 

* Recommended for 3rd through 6th graders