Product Description
Birth and Early Life of Jesus (Teacher’s Manual), by Julie Smith is the first workbook in the second year of the primary level of the Discovering God’s Way (DGW) series. It is designed to accompany the workbook.
Introduction: Primary (Grades 1-3) Year 2, Book 1
- Lesson 1, Part 1: The Birth of John the Baptist
- Lesson 1, Part 2: The Birth of John the Baptist
- Lesson 2, Part 1: The Birth of Jesus
- Lesson 2, Part 2: The Birth of Jesus
- Lesson 3, Part 1: Simeon and Anna Testify/Visit of the Wise Men
- Lesson 3, Part 2: Simeon and Anna Testify/Visit of the Wise Men
- Lesson 4, Part 1: Jesus the Child
- Lesson 4, Part 2: Jesus the Child
- Lesson 5, Part 1: The Ministry of John the Baptist
- Lesson 5, Part 2: The Ministry of John the Baptist
- Lesson 6, Part 1: Jesus Is Baptized
- Lesson 6, Part 2: Satan Tests Jesus
- Lesson 7, Part 1: John Bears Witness that Jesus Is the Lamb of God
- Lesson 7, Part 2: The First Disciples
- Lesson 8, Part 1: First Miracle, First Passover
- Lesson 8, Part 2: Cleansing the Temple
- Lesson 9, Part 1: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
- Lesson 9, Part 2: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
- Lesson 10, Part 1: Jesus Teaches the Samaritan Woman
- Lesson 10, Part 2: Jesus Teaches the Samaritan Woman
- Lesson 11, Part 1: Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son
- Lesson 11, Part 2: Rejected in Nazareth
- Lesson 12, Part 1: Jesus Picks Twelve Apostles
- Lesson 12, Part 2: Jesus Picks Twelve Apostles
- Lesson 13, Part 1: Jesus Heals a Man with
- Leprosy Lesson 13, Part 2: The Paralyzed Man