Product Description
Developing Principled Leaders, by Keith Hamilton brings together a unique blend of sound clear biblical teaching and practical application of these principles as they relate to leadership in many different fields. Keith spent more than thirty years in the corporate world focusing on leadership training and development, but he has also preached either part-time or full-time through the years. His diverse background and experience brings to these lessons valuable insights into how the teaching of God’s word can shape men and women to become principled, godly leaders, in their homes, schools, workplace, and communities.
Review Quotes
I’ll never forget the first deep conversation I had with Keith Hamilton about leading in the middle of a global recession. His cool head and firm grasp of leadership in the middle of severe business challenges impressed me. Keith gives the biblical basis that formed decades of strong leadership decisions in this book.
Jeff Struecker
Major United States Army retired.
Member Army Rangers Hall of Fame. Author: Road to Unafraid
Immediately the reader will be impressed with the author’s premise that we are all leaders in our own spheres of influence. Emphasizing that theme, Brother Hamilton provides many practical suggestions worthy of thought and application by anyone who finds himself (or herself) serving Christ by leading others to living for Him. This book comes from one who is skilled in the leadership of business enterprise. From his life experiences, he also makes application of basic leadership principles to many other human and spiritual relationships. Do yourself a favor and spend some time with this book. Best wishes as you read and then lead!
C.G. “Colly” Caldwell
Former President Florida College
Developing Christian Leaders is filled with wisdom—both biblical and personal. Keith Hamilton’s leadership lessons are packed with valuable insights that can help anyone elevate his or her leadership effectiveness. This book should remain close at hand as a trusted reference for all leaders to turn to during times of uncertainty or challenge. Turn to any page and you will
undoubtedly find a “nugget of gold” that can help you lead with greater influence. You will enjoy this read and return frequently to find new understanding to raise your leadership capability.
Peter Chatel
Principal, The Chatel Consulting Group and
former VP Global Quality Assurance at the Coca- Cola Company
I have personally seen Keith’s principles of Christian Leadership in action as I worked with Keith. In a world where people experience mistrust and anger, building Christian Leaders who actually demonstrate these Christian principles in all they say and do is greatly needed. What a difference this would make if these principles became our way of life.
MaryLou Apple
Former President Motlow State Community College
Developing Principled Leaders is something everyone can use. Every organization, from an individual that is self-employed to a multi-national organization, needs effective leadership. Parenting as Jesus taught us, is most effective. Leadership from a Biblical Worldview is where true leadership is found. Judeo-Christian values have been the backbone of the American experience; and the church needs globally to foster true leaders today as well as prepare those that will lead tomorrow! Raise up leaders as Jesus did, stand with conviction, understand God’s plan, and lead with courage!!
Hank Eisenga
Vice President of Global Manufacturing
Cooper Tire & Rubber (retired)
I strongly encourage leaders from all walks of life to read Keith Hamilton’s Developing Principled Leaders. Keith’s experiences as a Christian leader in his community, as well as his daily leadership challenges from family, and job responsibilities come thru his experiences of his successes and failures. He gives us a Christian roadmap to help us through those tough times in our life.
Phillip Fulmer
Former Head Football Coach and
Athletic Director the University of Tennessee
Reading Keith Hamilton’s lessons on Developing Principled Leaders along with the questions they inspired, took me on a journey retracing my footprints as a young boy. Both my parents passed away by the time I was approaching the age for my rite of passage into adulthood, but not before my father would challenge me to take the sacred virtues and values of my Native American culture, traditions and spirituality, then compare them with the sacredness of Christian virtues and values. This comparison gave me purpose as I choreographed my rite of passage into adulthood, helping develop my individual leadership and strengthen my Christian faith. The lessons of leadership comprising this workbook will be of extreme value to me as I continue to travel nationally and internationally, promoting global unity through the dignity, character and beauty of our global diversity.
Billy Mills
Olympic 10K Gold Medalists
Founder Running Brave Indian Youth Organization
Table of Contents
Introduction: Developing Principled Leaders
Lesson One: Leadership Involves Being and Doing Habits
Lesson Two: Selecting Leaders Wisely
Lesson Three: What Do Leaders Need Today? Look to Nehemiah
Lesson Four: Leaders Are Teachers
Lesson Five: Leaders Trust Others
Lesson Six: Leaders Develop Trust
Lesson Seven: Leaders Guard Their Team
Lesson Eight: Leaders Build Teams
Lesson Nine: Leaders Confront Issues and People
Lesson Ten: Leaders Are a Calm in the Storm
Lesson Eleven: Leaders Learn from Failure
Lesson Twelve: Leaders Remain Committed When Others Quit
Lesson Thirteen: Leaders Influence Others
Conclusion: Be the Leader
Biography: About the Author