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PDF Class Use Digital Edition
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The Unfolding of God’s Plan
by Bob Waldron
This booklet provides an overview of the unfolding of God’s plan of redemption, as it unfolds through time, and is realized through the person of Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the following topics are discussed: the Story of Redemption, the First Promise of a Savior, the Flood, the Promise to Abraham: Nation, Land and Spiritual, Jacob’s Twelve Sons, the Family in Egypt, the Exodus from Egypt, the People Forced to Wander in the Wilderness, Invasion and Conquest of the Land, the Judges, the United Kingdom, the Fall of Israel, the Fall of Judah, the Return, the Years of Silence, the Birth of Jesus, Good Tell the Good News!, and, finally, the Perfect Law of Liberty.
Author: Bob Waldron
ISBN-10: 1584271221
ISBN-13: 9781584271222
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Page Count: 23
Binding: Paperback