Product Description
by F. LaGard Smith
Want to know where we are headed along the trajectory set by Barack Obama and his liberal-Left allies? A close look at the militantly-secularist, hyper-regulatory British nanny state is the best possible predictor of America's own bleak future if we don't change course.
In PORTRAIT OF AN OBAMA NANNY STATE, F. LaGard Smith presents scores of news reports from the British media documenting Britain's breathtaking descent into a tyrannous democracy dictating every aspect of daily life and threatening even the most fundamental freedoms of faith and expression. Smith warns of a political and cultural tsunami headed across the Pond as the same forces of liberal-Left secularism in America are creating a moral vacuum that can only be filled with rule upon maddening rule, happily imposed by enlightened nannies at every level of society.
Key chapters focus on the impact of a nanny state on the family, education, healthcare, faith, and public morals. The chapters addressing gay rights and the teaching of macro-Evolution drill down deeply into the soul of a nation, exploring the crucial relationship between morality and public policy.
306 pages, Paperback.
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