
It's A Red-Letter Day - How the Words of Jesus Impact the Hearts of Women Today




Product Description

Millions of people around the world read the Bible every day, yet few know why we have red-letter Bibles. Why was red chosen to distinguish Jesus’ words from all other words in the Bible? Were the original manuscripts of the Bible printed with Jesus’ words in red? And maybe more importantly, what are those red-letter words saying to us?

This user-friendly study is designed with red letters intermingled with black text, so the student can easily pick out the words of Jesus in all the cited references. Thought questions punctuate the text for class discussion and personal growth. Debbie lays down a challenge (p. 4), “Read the Gospels in 40 days.” A reading schedule is provided to help students reach the goal.

Debbie Dupuy takes readers on an in-depth, enthusiastic study of the Gospels. Her hope is that as you read and study, you will see red as truth, love, and the transforming power of Jesus.