Product Description
Building Bible Knowledge
A series by Joel Lynn designed to assist students in committing Scripture to memory. The Teachers Manual of Book Two: The Four Gospels, is a twelve-lesson workbook considering the biblical accounts of the life of Christ.
Book Two: The Four Gospels (Teachers Manual)
By Joel Lynn
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 The Birth of John
Lesson 2 The Birth of Jesus
Lesson 3 John Prepares the Way for Jesus
Lesson 4 Jesus Is Tempted
Lesson 5 Jesus Selects His Apostles
Lesson 6 The Sermon on the Mount
Lesson 7 Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 8 Parables of Jesus
Lesson 9 Some Key Characters (Pharisees, Zacchaeus, Rich Young Man)
Lesson 10 Betrayal, Death, and Burial of Jesus
Lesson 11 Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
Lesson 12 The New Kingdom, the Church