Product Description
Beginnings: Studies in Genesis
by David Banning
Our young people today are increasingly faced with challenges to the most fundamental elements of their faith, i.e. does God really exist, did He create the world, etc. Beginnings is a study of Genesis, but with a special emphasis on these important issues. It's a study of evidences as well as study of this first Old Testament book.
Our study begins where Genesis begins, with God. We explore the evidence that confirms our belief that God exists. We also examine the creation and evolution controversy, demonstrating both the flaws with evolution and the evidence that supports creation. Also included are several lessons that discuss other important beginnings in Genesis, i.e. man, sin, and the plan of salvation.
As with all workbooks in the Get Them Talking Series, Beginnings is designed to stimulate discussion. We have tried to include questions that are on the minds of young people today as well as questions with which they will be confronted. Help your students discover the answers they need.
Many lessons will include group projects giving you the opportunity to break up the class routine and get the students working in small groups.
56 pages. Workbook.