
Choosing Life's Best




Product Description

by Lottie Beth Hobbs

The Book of Proverbs is a perennial and universal favorite. In Choosing Life's Best the writer gleans from Proverbs the practical principles which touch our lives daily. This is not a tedious analytical study. Fourteen chapters, such as: The Success Plan that Works, How to Be a Hero, A Gracious Woman, A Strong Man, and The Sweetness of a Friend.
This book gives the simple, certain and workable plan - not the writer's won ideas but the dependable and time-tested formula furnished by the Wisdom of the Ages.

165 pages

Product Reviews - +

  • 5
    Proverbs - Wisdom2

    Posted by Marcie on May. 21, 2020

    Rich in scripture references!
    The author uses everyday language to help a reader of any level to make real life application of the book of Proverbs. The chapters are brief and explained without using too many words to communicate the subject being covered. Appropriate for use by men, women or teens in separate class settings or as a group class settings for Bible class. It is written so well that it can be used regardless of the time in culture.